Dengerin musik sambil bernyanyi,... kalau hafal liriknya sih... enjoy aja.
Tapi kalau liriknya ga hafal... kan ga asik...
Nah untuk yang satu ini... saya sudah persiapkan lirik plugin spt di bawah ini. Tapi yg perlu dicatat... bahwa, lirik plugin ini mesti koneksi internet lho... ( Bisa di edit juga brow )
Lyrics Plugin is a piece of software tailored for music fans. To put it simply - it is an add-on to view lyrics in WinAmp or Windows Media Player. No more searching for lyrics. Just start listening to your favourite songs and lyrics will be displayed automatically. Oh, and if lyrics is not found, you can add it yourself :)

1 komentar:
wah bagus ini...dari dulu a ku cari2 sampai kemana2
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